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179897 - From: Dr.Mug Share to facebook   15/7-2012 20:36
Mega: shit en pris..
179896 - From: Mega@iphone Share to facebook   15/7-2012 20:04
Til note: 150 kmt i en 80 kmt vejarbejdezone koster 1200 euro, og nej det var ikke os
179895 - From: Bingo Share to facebook   15/7-2012 13:20
Mega: Nice
179894 - From: Mega@iphone Share to facebook   15/7-2012 11:35
8 min BTG, så kan vi godt køre hjem
179893 - From: CK Http:// Share to facebook   15/7-2012 8:51
Mornings all.......
179892 - From: Mega@iphone Share to facebook   15/7-2012 8:36
God morgen
179891 - From: Mega@iphone Share to facebook   14/7-2012 23:59
Check vores facebook for billede af det sjoveste jeg har prøvet rundt på Nurburgring
179890 - From: $horty Share to facebook   14/7-2012 9:37
??? Forstår ik helt TD ???

Reklameplads for ms hva du mener med det.
Skrev bare de var dernede og dækkede ringen + smed ik link op med den Panamera...

Jeg har intet med ms at gøre...
179889 - From: mogens Share to facebook   14/7-2012 8:54

Magnus Walker

As a kid growing up in Sheffield, porsches were a rare sight, not owning one or a driver’s license though did not stop my lusting after them
At least I had the 930 turbo poster on my wall & wrote to the factory at age 10-
I actually got a reply back, “call us when you are a little older “or words to that affect.

As a kid I do remember being driven around the great Yorkshire/Derbyshire dales & peaks,
And the infamous “snake” rd to Manchester, plus the occasional club meet races at cadwell,donnington
Or Mallory park,,got my early interest in motorsports peaked….

Fast forward a few years as time flys by & am now in Los Angeles living the dream with my wife Karen,skynrd our dog , 2 cats And more early 911 porsches than anyone could ever want
Many out there think of LA as a fake & phoney hollywood wanna be type of place-
Well that’s only part of the charm…
One of the many aspects I love about LA life is the great open driving roads & wonderful year round weather-(eyeballing celebrities is also fun !)
Within 30 mins of my downtown LA warehose I can be on some of the best empty mountain roads,

A have a few choice routes ranging from 30-300 miles that I try to drive as often as possible,

From the Hollywood hils via Mullholland Hwy all the way to PCH & up thru Topanga cyn along the
Ridge of the santa monica mountains where the morning coastal mist rolls over the ridge & makes for a perfect porsche photo opportunity – to the high desert plains around willow springs race track via Angeles crest HWY the roads & smiles per mile are endless
Try Searching YOU TUBE for my fun filled morning commute run…
Hey I even drove my 65-911 the 310 car built up Angeles crest Hwy on this past Christmass day
,last year it was my irish green 66 in the rain,doging rocks on boxing day!
You got to drive them –right? That’s the whole point, they have even been in rain & snow!
I never understand those sales ads that say never seen rain…
I never been afraid to drive my cars,all have been used –some even tacken to Home Depot for pick ups,
& of course the daily coffe run

Many a time upon finishing a car I do my “infamous 300 mile shakedown run”

Thru the Angeles crest highway out to willow springs race track –thru the hilly wind turbine area of teacahapii & back thru California city ,Mohave & back to LA.
It’s the perfect combo on high speed sweepers with some fun filled twisties & a decent stretch of Fwys,
A Sure fire way to test improvements the car has gotten & find a few gremlins that may have shacken loose!
I try to imagine myself on my own Targa floria perfecting that perfect heel & toe down shift, left foot braking & raspy throttle blipping,always setting myself some sort of goal weather it be a brake marker down the road or trying to carry a little more speed thru a turn,I tell my self its all “seat time”
Many a time “hair ball” overtaking moves has to be made to gain a track positon or 2
Naturally I always obey all posted speed limits
Sometimes I find myself grinning & thinking dreams do come true

Getting up early is also another requirement ,helps with the sun light & traffic on the roads
Many a time you hear one of the great aspects of southern California is the ability to ski in the morning & surf in the afternoon, Not having the desire to do either I decided to Do the route in a morning in my race car.
300 miles later here is the story…..
I left the grey overcast skies of my down town urban environment & hit the 10 fwy west approx 15 mins later I was at the iconic Santamonica pier snapping pictures of my race car before the tourists came out to play –this was the beach ocean surf part of the trifector.
Next stop was the palm springs tramway that I was calling the desert part.
I fired up my 71 T With its revvy 2.4 S twin plug motor & got on the 10FWY east at 7.0AM
By 8.20am I had reached my destination the palms springs tramway( those interested should map quest this route for the distance) time for a pit stop & a few pictures for proof.
My next destination was to be Big bear lake –the mountain part & 3 rd leg ,
At 9 am I was back on the road again -My plans quickly changed with a closed mountain road ,I quick MAP check –(old skool driver with no sat nav or fancy smart phone) & I was heading up one of the best roads in the area hwy 18 ‘THE Rim of the world hwy” a snakey piece of road that begs you to push harder, This could be Europe with breathtaking vistas
By 10.30 am I was 5400 ft up & rolling in to the tranquil picturesque town of lake arrow head.
A few snaps later & an emergency stop for brake fluid & was rolling back down the hill & heading for the 210 fwy.
By 12.30 I was back in LA having covered 300 fun filled miles from ocean to desert to the mountains & back in my 71 T A 40 year old street able race car on 225/50/15 hoosiers allround-no heat & no wipers…
Man & machine on the open road, incredible roads, beautiful day light& sunsets,
Combined with the raspy roar of an early air-cooled flat 6 on full chatter ,with the bark of a throaty exhaust bouching of the mountain walls with a purposefully deliberate heel n toe downshift…

ONLY IN LA…………………
179888 - From: Mega@iphone Share to facebook   14/7-2012 8:36
Turbodude: Max lækker turbolyd, tilgengæld rimelig kedelig slap af den rykker sådan en
179887 - From: CK Http:// Share to facebook   14/7-2012 8:30
Mornings all....
179886 - From: Turbodude Share to facebook   13/7-2012 21:23
Hør 6 min inde proooo lyd
179885 - From: Jimbo Share to facebook   13/7-2012 21:09
Endnu en Huayra video
Pagani Huayra driven; 720bhp, 230mph
179884 - From: E Share to facebook   13/7-2012 13:15

179883 - From: Turbodude Share to facebook   13/7-2012 13:07
Shorty: Der er ikke ligefrem givet reklameplads for herinde

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